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Q.I am digging up masses of orange/brown root systems from my garden beds. These roots are not related to any veggies grown in these

Zone Cortez, CO | Anonymous added on October 26, 2019 | Answered

beds. To an extent these roots have always been there but this year in great proliferation, meshed and tangled together almost like clusters of birds nests, others twiggy, 2-3 ft long, 1/8-1/4 in diameter….what is this stuff?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 28, 2019

I know of several plants that have orangish roots. Two are trees, buckthorn and mulberry. The final one is oriental bittersweet, a vine that produces clusters of orange-red berries in fall. Take a good look at your neighbor's yards. All three of these plants are vigorous growers and their roots will compete with your vegetables for nutrients and water. If none of these 3 appear to be the culprit, post again with a picture if you can.

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