Q.I Am After Some Hardy Plants(or Plant) To Go In Two Reasonably Sized Planters. The Planters Get Sun In Morning Only. I Would Like
something green and bushy that have white flowers on. I would like something that flowers for a long time through summer or maybe mix two plants together to spread the flower life. They will be at the front of my house so ideally something where the leaves loo k nice even in winter. If you can let me have a couple ideas on what I could plant please. I like green and small white flowers as I want the planters to look filled / bushy 1st Picture attached is a weed (I think) and like similar to this or other photos are something I like but not sure what they are.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here are some choices for your growing area. England seems to have mild winters and cool summers. The closest zone we have is zone 8, though it normally has warmer summers than you do. Of these shrubs below, the ones with white flowered varieties would be camellia, jasmine, abelia, deutzia. There are petite hydrangeas now that bloom white, but they are not evergreen. Mountain laurel has a dwarf that blooms white. Here is more info: