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Bat Flower

Q.I am a enthusiastic gardener and my greatest claim to fame is a black bat plant which earlier this year presented me with approx 5

Zone Maryborough Qld | Anonymous added on November 5, 2019 | Answered

flowers. Prior to that i probably had one per year. We moved to the Fraser Coast 12 months ago and up until recently it has thriv ed. but over the past 2 months the leaves have drooped and I am now tying the leaves up to a stake. I have repotted and initially the leaves would stand up in the morning and as the day progressed they would droop. It is located on the ground floor of our old Queenslander, so is very well protected and only receives filtered sun in the morning through the 6 ft pickets. Help! I also have a smaller white bat plant that is in the same position and is thriving. The plants leaves are approx. 37 centemetres long and just hang. I have tied them up loosely hoping to allow nutrients to still pass from the roots to the leaves but nothing is helping. I regularly feed with Seasol liquid fertiliser and have used liquid compost today.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 6, 2019

When you repotted, did you go up just one size in pots? Too big of a pot can cause overwatering. They need a fertilizer for acid-loving plants, and they need a shady location. Here is an article that tells more about their specific needs. See if you can find what is amiss.


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