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Orange Trees

Q.I Accidentally Sprayed An Orange With Insecticide For Whitefly. Is It SAFE To Eat It Or Will Fruit Absorb Insecticide Through Skin

Zone Cadiz, SPAIN | Anonymous added on November 19, 2024 | Answered

My Orange tree this year suffered BLACK SOOTY MOLD and after I managed to rid the tree of that, owing tothe extreme heat the tree then developed Mould After surviving THAT it was then attacked by White Fly and although Ants were eating the eggs I sprayed the tree with an Agricultural Soap and Neem Oil but surprisingly the problem remained so I tried a specific insecticide to deal with Whitefly and this worked.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 21, 2024

You will need to check the label of the insecticide you used. It says something like fruit and citrus insect control. It should say whether it is safe for edibles or if you must wait a certain length of time before consuming the edible.

If it was an insecticidal soap you will be Ok to consume the oranges.


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