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Endless Summer Hydrangea

Q.Hydrangeas not blooming

Zone Bourbonnais, IL 60914 | czakom added on March 16, 2017 | Answered

I have 5 Endless Summer hydrangea plants. These plants are about 7 years old and are on the northeast side of my house. Some receive morning sun and some a little of the afternoon sun. They receive a lot of shade. The plants had been blooming like crazy for five years, but two years ago they only had about 10 blooms between about July when I know it will not have any growth. I also cut flowers before July with a longer stem and in August and after with a short stem. I have added what is needed to maintain the blue color in the flowers. I am not sure what is wrong, the leaves are healthy and green and I water everyday. What do you recommend for me to do so my hydrangeas start blooming again.

Thank you for your help.
Maria Czako

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 17, 2017

I would recommend a soil test. This will help you determine if you may have high nitrogen levels in your soil, as too much nitrogen will inhibit flowering.
You can generally correct this with an application of Bone Meal
Your local County Extension Office will be able to help you with a soil test for just a few dollars.

Depending on your growing zone, Endless Summer Hydrangea, if you live in a colder zone, your plants can tolerate a bit more sunshine.
They do well in morning sunshine and dappled afternoon sun.

In a warm climate you may need to protect them from an afternoon sun.

Here are some links that will help you.


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