Q.Hydrangeas dead?
I have 3 hydrangeas–one of unknown variety as it was here when purchased home and 2 nikko blues that I planted. Unknown is in area that has become shaded over time but gets afternoon sun; nikko blues get sun all morning. I have deer problems and they have feasted. I tried pruning just below where deer ate but they do not seem to be recovering for past 2 years. What can I do to resurrect them or must give up? I try spraying them with repellant and fencing in winter. Unknown is shown in photo but nikko blues look same.

I cut back one to the ground and it grew nearly a foot in one week, so I cut the others back as well. They all grew back completely and I even got a few blooms on the Nikko blues! Thanks for the suggestion!

Dear downtoearthdigs, I had read the articles you mentioned previously. When I did the pruning, it was at the end of the season before winter and I took care to remove dead canes and leave live ones. They just haven't come back. I will try cutting to the ground. These were beautiful for years before the deer damage.

Prune back all the dead material and see if the plant can recover from the root.
These articles have more information.