Q.Hydrangea vine in planter box
I’m wondering if there is a trick to growing this plant in a box? I would like to grow it on my deck in cedar planters. A friend did this but the vines only lasted a few years before drying out. We think it had to do with protection/upkeep in the boxes (we live in Montreal, so it could be cold winters too). Just a beautiful, clean, fresh vine with such pretty flowers. I’d like to try but grateful for planter tips .. Thanks! Winona

Unfortunately this is not a vine that would do well in a container long term.
This vine can reach 60 to 80 feet and needs a large surface support to attach itself to, a pot trellis would not be large enough.
The Hydrangea Vine can be slow to get growing, so this is why it grew for a few years, then died off.
Have you considered a Clematis? This would be well suited to a patio pot.
I have listed a couple of links for you.