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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Hydrangea Not Blooming

Zone Eastern PA zone 5/6 | krissiej added on July 12, 2015 | Answered

We have what we believe is a mophead variety of hydrangea. When my boyfriend first moved into the house in July of 2013, the plant had gorgeous pink and purple blooms. Last year we had a cooler summer and it barely grew. In late winter/early spring, I removed all of the dead wood and cut anything that kind of looked dead, but left any growth from last year untouched. We have a lot of growth this summer both from the ground and on the old, untouched wood from previous growth, but no flowers. When the buds started coming in on the old growth, I checked to make sure I hadn’t accidentally cut back a part I wasn’t supposed to. The plant seems to be getting huge but just will not bloom. Not sure what to do differently?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 14, 2015

You may want to do a soil test. This can tell you exactly what the plant needs.

Most likely it is to high in Nitrogen as it will grow nice and lush greens and no flowers.
Phosphorous can be added by applying Bone Meal.

Here are a few links for you.


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