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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Hydrangea Growing Poorly In Slightly Acidic Clay Soil

Zone sw1v 2ln | moya.russell@googlemail.com added on August 12, 2020 | Answered

Hydrangea anomala petiolaris growing poorly in slightly acidic clay soil where it used to grow well. Soil in recently concreted patio. What went wrong? We live in Pimlico, London was a marshy area but house and patio dates to 1850. What fertiliser should we use? Plants have been in the soil for 6 months .

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 13, 2020

Clay soil should be amended prior to planting to avoid the problems that it causes. You may be best to try worms! Earthworms can help increase the aeration in your soil, without harming your plants and digging them up.

Here are some articles that will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/composting/vermicomposting

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