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Mop Head Hydrangea


Zone Hampton, NH 03842 | Jmlawlor added on August 14, 2016 | Answered

I have a mop head hydrangea that is filled with lush green foliage but, sadly, very few blooms this season! Last year at this time it was chock full of gorgeous blue-toned blooms. I’m not sure if I did something to contribute to this. I did not prune the blooms after they faded last season, but left them on and removed them mid-spring when, by that time, there were very few left on the plant. Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated! I live in the Northeast part of the country on the NH seacoast and my plant blooms a bit later in the season, typically late July/August timeframe. I’ve attached a photo for you. Your help is much appreciated!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 15, 2016
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