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Hydrangea Plants


Zone New England | Seawitch added on September 9, 2013 | Answered

When this tree (9 feet tall) goes dormant, does it lose all its leaves? I have been battling yellow dropping leaves since I got it at a yard sale. It is in my sunniest room and I think it was outside. I’m sure it is stressed, as I took it home in my car. I don’t see bugs, but I did use a bug spray on it. Should I try Dawn dishwashing soap? It is still flowering but dropping leaves like crazy.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 10, 2013

Hydrangea usually don't perform well indoors for more than a couple of weeks. When they go dormant in winter, they lose all the leaves. Even in "Florida Rooms", hydrangea are unhappy. The trip home in a car had nothing to do with yellowing leaves...it's lack of light. Eventho hydrangea are shade loving plants, there is a huge differences in outdoor shade and indoor bright light. If possible get the plant into a location that provides morning sun and afternoon shade.

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