Q.Hybrid climbing tea rose
1st year planting hybrid tea rose. (1st attempt at roses) zone 5/6 very dry,hot and humid year. Plants have been watered every other day,fertilized twice a month via miriclegro rose formula. Outstanding foliage growth but not many buds nor blooms. What went wrong?

If the rose was planted this year, it may simply be focused on root growth at the expense of blooms. Feeding twice monthly seems excessive; too much nitrogen favors leaf growth over blooms. I'm not familiar with the product you mentioned but let's assume you followed the application instructions exactly. Does the plant get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily? Did you research your variety at sites like American Rose society and know that it is a re-blooming variety? The site will also help you learn how to prune this rose. Plant tags are too often not accurate or not what the average gardener will experience. With cooler weather, you may see bloom activity. A heat stressed plant may bloom less to conserve energy.