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Q.Hybrid blue tea rose

Zone 33837 | Bachachi813 added on September 6, 2016 | Answered

I finally got this rose to bloom but the roses are white….not blue. Can you recommend fertilizer to return it to the blue color?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 11, 2016

There is no true blue blooming rose available that I know of, even though research continues to create one. They thought they had one in Japan but it proved to be weak and sickly. There are rosebushes that have Blue in their name but the blooms are more lavender than blue. If your rosebush is a grafted rose, it could be that the rosebush you bought it for has died and now the root stock is sending up shoots and taking over. There are some Hydrangeas that you can do this with but not roses.

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