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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Hyacinth forced in water aftercare

Zone 97070 | Orhoosier added on May 16, 2019 | Answered

I have a hyacinth bulb that was force grown in water. The flower stalks are gone and have been deadheaded. The leaves are dropping, but not dying yet. Do I empty the water and then store the bulb or will the leaves fall off even with water? The only mention for saving bulbs is for potted bulbs, so not sure what to do.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2019

OK, I know this sounds quite awful, but I do not save my bulbs that have been forced in water. This type of forcing really takes away most of their energy and they are not very likely to ever bloom again.
If you would like to try, just allow the foliage to die down and then store the bulb as per the links below.
Bulbs that are forced in soil are much more likely to bloom again in the garden.


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