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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Hyacinth bulbs

Zone 33023 | Graceannmcnear added on February 1, 2018 | Answered

I have a hyacinth growing in water. It has finished blooming. How do I preserve the roots that have been in water?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 1, 2018

Usually water-forced bulbs are tossed out because the bulb is very weakened at this point. However, you can try. The tricky part is that you have roots accustomed to water but if you put them in wet potting soil, the roots may or may not adapt and the bulb will rot. Start by cutting off the bloom stem. Use a potting mix with a high percentage of sphagnum peat or coir in the bottom half. (Pot must have drainage holes.) As you reach bulb level, lighten the soil to make it quick draining by adding sand or perlite to keep the bulb from rotting. Water from the bottom. In order to nourish the bulb, let the leaves die back naturally. It may take more than one year to replenish the bulb sufficiently to get it to bloom again. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/hyacinth/hyacinth-forcing-indoors.htm

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