Q.How to treat a sick maple
I have a sick Japanesse Maple (red leaves). It definitely has boring insects and much of the trunk has turned to dust. Hollow in places to about 1/3 of trunk. What I’ve seen is lots of black bugs inside, and then the woodpeckers going after the bugs dont help. The tree is 20-30 YO and stands 30-40 feet tall, but some branches are dying. Would like to save it. Any treatment suggestions?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Because it is borers, I would recommend neem oil to treat the plant. Neem oil is a systemic pesticide, which means the tree actually absorbs it and it flows through the tree getting even pests on the inside of the tree. If this tree is important to you, I would also recommend having an arborist look at it. The damage from the woodpeckers and borers may need to be treated.