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Oak Trees

Q.How To Take Care Of Small Oak Saplings?

Zone Washington DC | Anonymous added on November 19, 2021 | Answered

Washington DC City cut down a huge red oak tree, and some acorns have sprouted, and I have few saplings in a pot. It is getting cold, and leaves are turning brown. How can I take care of these baby trees during winter? Keep them in a pot and water them? How much sun do they need? And when should I plant them outside? Thank you so much. A guestimate of germination of the mother tree is 1631.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 20, 2021

I suggest overwintering them in the garage and keep them from freezing. Lightly water just enough to get them through the winter. Too much water will cause root rot.

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