Q.Gardenia droopy
How to take care of a gardenia that is been exposed to too much sun. I live in Missouri and the weather is hot and humid at this time. I got a gardenia a month ago from a grocery store and I read the instructions. I set the gardenia outside the front door. It was so nice and happy. The weather got too hot and humid. I forgot to water the plant for two days. It’s green but is droopy. I’m watering the plant again. It has been two days since I put it inside my house by a window and still kind of dry and droopy. Please advise. Thank you. Anabel

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The soil may be over dry and repelling water. Soak the plant in a tub of water for a half hour or so to rehydrate the rootball. After this, it is just a matter of giving it a little TLC while it recovers from the lack of water.