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Bougainvillea Plants

Q.How to store my bougaivillea during the winter – when do I cut it back

Zone Vancouver Washington 98684 | thequeenbeverly added on June 3, 2017 | Answered

I have been putting my plant in the garage during the winter, live in Vancouver, Washington, and that has worked very well, I give it about a cup of water once a month as I was told but this year it isn’t doing as well. Should I cut it back before I store it for the winter or wait till spring when it starts to get new growth?



A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 4, 2017

Can you bring it in the house? If not, cut it back to around 6 inches in the fall and add 2 inches of mulch to protect the roots. Mine was fine and grew like crazy the following year. It sounds like it got too cold in the garage and it is a tropical plant.

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