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Q.How To Start Heliotropium Arborescens Seeds?

Anonymous added on March 14, 2023 | Answered

Dear Sir/Madam I would like to ask you a question about how to start heliotropium seeds in pot. According to some sources heliotropium seeds shouldn’t be covered when we are sowing them because sunlight aids to germination. But in some sources sowing depth is 1/4 inch and it doesn’t need sunlight. I wonder what’s the best way to start heliotropium seeds. Should I cover seeds with soil 1/4 or just press them on soil? I would be so happy if you answer my question. I slightly covered seeds. I wonder if it will be a problem. Best regards.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 15, 2023

You did the right thing. If it needs light to germinate, it will still get some light through a light covering of soil. I couldn't find an exact determination for heliotrope, other than to consult the seed packet. This article below tells what to do if you don't know the specifics:


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