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Hyacinth Plant

Q.How to speed up poinsettia blooming

Zone 34731 | Anna Beverly added on November 15, 2015 | Answered

I have two 3- and 4-foot poinsettias that are planted next to a fence on the south side of my house. They get sunlight, but due to the angle of the sun at this time of the year, it is not direct sunlight. Last year they didn’t bloom until late December. What can I do to speed up the red blooms this year? I want to transplant them in a pot and move them to direct sunlight but afraid they might be too shocked with the change and might not make it through the winter and not bloom at all. Please advise!!!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 15, 2015

The flowering and color change is actually triggered by lack of sunlight, darkness.
This is much more difficult to do with your plants in the ground.

Here is a link that explains the process.


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