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Q.How to shield garden from strong winds

Zone Harefield, Middx | Richgail added on April 29, 2015 | Answered

Very strong winds often prevail in our garden. We want to put up a structure to shield us and give us some cover when we want to sit or eat outside. We have chosen a more secluded area to sit, but it is still exposed to the winds. We are up high and there is nothing to stop or buffer the sweeping winds.

We have thought of a row of hardy shrubs or bushes to act as a buffer. A fixed form of shield or windbreaker is likely to weaken and eventually need repair. Can you please offer any help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 29, 2015

This article will help you - it will give you some really good suggestions for wind-resistant shrubs:

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