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Jade Plants

Q.How to save my jade plant

Zone Boston, MA | sgnazzaro added on February 8, 2015 | Answered

Hello, I purchased a jade plant in July of 2014 and kept it in my office with no natural light for 7 months before it started drooping — first leaves started falling off and then the roots literally doubled over. Help! I love this plant and want to keep it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 9, 2015

Jade plants are succulents. You may be over watering it . Let it dry out. You may have to cut back the parts that have flopped over (rotted?) Some sun wouldn't hurt or put it under a gro-light. If it's all gone soft cut off the healthest stem, put it in soil where it will root and become the daughter of your original plant.

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