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Cyclamen Plants

Q.how to save a cyclamen plant

Zone limpopo | sunekruger96 added on April 1, 2015 | Answered

The plant leaves began to droop and when I touched, it everything came off. It is only the bowl of the plant left.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 1, 2015

Did your cyclamen recently bloom? After a cyclamen blooms, it will go into a dormant state and the plant will look like it is dying. The leaves will turn yellow and drop off. So I hope that is what is happening here, that it's not dead, just dormant (sleeping). Once the leaves die, you should stop watering the plant and place it in a cool, somewhat dark place and let it sit for a few months.

For more information on the care of cyclamen, please visit the following link:

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