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Bulb Care

Q.how to save a bulb plant to plant outside next planting season

Zone Georgetown, TX 78633 | Anonymous added on April 28, 2020 | Answered

I received a plant that was beautiful, someone said it was a spring bulb plant, sadly no one knows what it was, but I would like to plant it outside at the correct time, if it is a bulb, what do I do with it now? It has leaves green turning brown at tips. flowers are gone, wish I had taken a pic when it was flowering. smells pretty and citadel flowers

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 28, 2020

Plant it now. That is the easiest and surest thing to do. Some spring bulbs, like tulips, require a winter chill period which can complicate growing spring bulbs in Texas. If you do an online search for "Texas spring bulbs" and look over the images, you may find your plant. Then write back or search for "growing X in Texas". One of us may be able to identify the plant by the leaves that are currently showing. It isn't such a long shot, either.

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