Q.How to revive indoor potted mature bird of paradise
I am new to this site as well as having plants! So a lady from work gave me an indoor potted bird of paradise. When she gave it to me, it had just flowered a month or so beforehand. The plant is about 10 feet tall right now, and I’m having a few problems and not sure what to do and have done what I’ve found on other searches on the Internet. Hopefully, I have not harmed the plant! Sorry in advance for the long post. So the problems I’m having are:
1.) When I got the bop, the stalks were leaning so bad, just about touching the floor (there are 4 stalks with leaves and 2 that look like the have been cut), so I put support sticks in to help it stand up. Is there anything I can do to get hem to stand on their own without leaning so much?
2.) A few of the leaves have went brown in spots and I noticed yesterday that the one full leaf is turning brown/black on the edge of the entire leaf and also has a few spots on the inside of the leaf that look like they are turning brown/black (the spots look like little circles). How can I fix this?
3.) Next thing is a few of the stalks have started to look wrinkly and not dark or strong like the other ones. Why is this and what can I do?
4.) When I got the plant, one of the centre stalks had a new leaf starting. It has opened a bit on one side and is curled inward. The other side of that leaf has yet to open. Is there anything I can do to get it open?
Now I had read somewhere to change to soil and uncoil the roots so that they hang down and are not all in a big clump, so I did that but nothing has changed with the plant. I also checked for root rot and am happy to say the roots were good! My front wall is all windows and I get a lot of sunlight 🙂 so I had the plant in front of the window for about 1.5 months (had the plant for about 2 months now). Just yesterday I moved the plant out of the direct sunlight but it still getting lots of light. I water it when I lift the pot and the first 2-3 inches of soil is dry Can somebody please help me? I really like this plant and want to help it instead of kill it!

Since Bird Of Paradise is generally grown outdoors in tropic regions, indoor care is quite specific.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.