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Grass Plants

Q.How to remove grass from my flower bed with out digging it out

kb17598 added on May 29, 2019 | Answered

I need to get rid of grass from my flower bed but I don’t want to dig it out.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 30, 2019

Here is a tip. If you use herbicide, protect your ornamental plants by holding a piece of cardboard against the grass. It will soak up errant spray. Don't recycle this cardboard; it should go in the trash.

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Answered on May 30, 2019

If you need to kill grass growing close to ornamental plants, you can apply a selective herbicide that targets only grasses without harming your garden plants. These herbicides will kill most annual grasses like crabgrass and foxtails, as well as perennial grasses like quackgrass.

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