Q.How to Prevent Summer Squash Female Flowers From Browning?
Yellow zucchini (summer squash) female flower buds are turning brown and wilting before they can even blossom. They haven’t opened, so I can’t hand pollinate. Is it a pest that is eating it or is the plant just aborting for some other reason? I’ve had three fruits ripened already so I know they will open. I’ve noticed a lot of ants in the male flowers, but I thought they help pollinate. I’ve had a ton of male flowers blossom already, but they seem to blossom at different types than the female flowers.
This link will take you to a page of articles discussing bloom problems with squash: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=012078378210706707791%3Af1h5n_k1r5e&ie=UTF-8&q=squash+blossoms+falling+off&oq=squa&gs_l=partner.3.0.0l10.159431.160479.0.164355.