Q.How to pollinate cucumbers and tomatoes in closed greenhouse
I have a greenhouse 8 X 12 and cucumbers are growing fast, but they turn yellow and fall off due to no insects to pollinate them. I cannot open greenhouse due to wildlife around. Deer and rabbits are destroying the crop. Any ideas…

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are a couple of ways to do this. When you see male flowers, pick them and dry and save them. They contain plenty of pollen. Use a fine, soft paint brush and brush the pollen onto the female flowers. Or, you can wait until both sexes show together, and pollinate straight from flower.
I'm wondering, if the plant might be experiencing a calcium/magnesium deficiency, though. This happens frequently in containers. Try keeping DOLOMITIC lime handy. This will prevent quite a few problems before they start. A handful in each container will suffice.
You may also want to supplement with any bloom booster. Use them at 1/4 strength that is recommended, as they are VERY strong.