Q.How to Level Lawn
We have about 1/2 an acre of lawn, which after last winter has gone so uneven that we are nearly losing the lawnmower at times. We have been told to roll it for 60% improvement, but read that if you have heavy clay, not to roll it. Somebody else says you must scarify, which is a much bigger job; and do you do that as well as rolling it? We are totally confused as to what to do. Also, suppose we have another winter like this one, does that mean we will have the same problem again next year?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article offers tips for leveling lawns: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/fill-uneven-lawn-low-spots-how-to-level-a-lawn.htm

Top-dress with clean soil, dragging a long plank or similar across the grass to fill the holes and produce a level surface.
Top dressing favors grass and stifles weeds. A high nitrogen fertilizer helps, eg a few handfuls of dynamic lifter dissolved in a bucket of water, this helps suppress clover and moss.