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Weed Control

Q.how to kill weeds

Zone North of Iran, next to caspian sea, much raining and humidity | Anonymous added on August 27, 2016 | Answered

I planted Lysimachia in my garden in spots (I mean two or three in each square meter) but the speed of growing of weeds are much more than Lysimachia, so it will not grow in good way. I need a solution to kill weeds till Lysimachia covers all the garden. I know that when Lysimachia covers all the ground, weeds will grow much less and digging them up will be easily, but what should I do till that stage?

Please guide me in this way. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards
Ali Kavandi

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 27, 2016

Any use of a weed killer can jeopardize the Lysimachia as well.
I would recommend removing the weeds and mulching the bare areas to hold back weed until the plants grown in.
With proper care and growing conditions Creeping Jenny should fill in quite quickly.

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