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Weed Control

Q.How To Kill Weed Tree Roots

Zone Zone 6 | Jeamx222 added on March 28, 2020 | Answered

I have a neighbor that has let a weed grow into a tree on our shared fence line (although they don’t want it there, they refuse to remove it, they say it is up to management to do) the roots are going through my yard is there any way I can kill the roots coming on my side or the whole tree. From my side

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 28, 2020

Mix up some herbicide just a bit stronger than normal. Pour about 1/4 cup into a small plastic bag. Dig up a nice sized root on your side of the fence. Cut the root. On the side that still goes back to the main weed trunk remove the dirt as best you can around the cut root. Place a couple rubber bands onto the tree root sliding them as far back as possible. Re-cut the root a little to get a nice clean open end on it. Take the plastic bag with the mixed up herbicide in it and very carefully slide the bag up and around the cut root so that the root is into the herbicide solution. Wrap the plastic bag open end around the root as best you can (carefully), then slide the rubber bands down to hold it all in place. Let sit. In fairly short order the weed will take up the mix and should start to cause its demise. You can also just paint the cut end of the root with full strength herbicide, cover with the plastic bag and fasten in place with rubber bands or tape and let sit. This should take care of the weed concerned without causing any damage to surrounding plants.

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