Q.how to kill bermuda grass in a vegie garden
we will be repairing our veg garden with side containment walls and the garden is covered with Bermuda grass. How do we kill the grass and still be able to plant in the next few weeks. We are in zone 7. I was thinking Roundup but looking forward to your opinion. Thanks

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you can wait at least a month to plant, you can solarize the soil, instructions below. If not, you can use a product containing glyphosate, but I am attaching a link to our article expressing some concerns on its use. If you use it, be sure to read and follow the directions, particularly wearing long pants and sleeves, gloves, and washing the clothes after spraying. It can be harmful if the product is allowed to absorb into the skin, so take the precautions seriously that are included on the label.