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Redbud Trees

Q.How To Help My Herbicide Damaged Tree?

Zone Amarillo, Texas | LVelarde42 added on May 12, 2024 | Answered

Im new to plants/trees. I have a new planted Eastern Redbud tree that was 4gal size. I sprayed a water hose attachment of weed killer on my lawn and didn’t know it would affect my tree. A little after I sprayed, I noticed my trees new leaves were curling and small holes that looked burnt started appearing. I pruned all the leaves and watered the tree every 3-4 days. It regrew its previous leaves and is also growing new leaves in new spots. The new leaves are showing minor symptoms from before but has only been a couple days since they grew out. I scraped the branch and the branch is still green on the inside. I plan on fertilizing my lawn to help with nutrients, and hoping it helps. Is this recoverable or should I restart with a new tree?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 13, 2024

I think that it will depend on the type of weed killer that you used, and how long it stays in soil or on trees. The best course of action will be that you attempt to wash all remaining residue off. Otherwise, the "sit and wait" approach is all that you can do. Your local extension service can, likely, help The bottom of the page has a search to find the closest one to you:


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