Q.How to help my Dracaena?
My question is about taking care of my Dracaena plant. I am not sure of the variety. It usually is green and yellow-green with a single stalk. It is only a 2 feet or so tall. Lately, there has been a lot of rain. On top of this I am in Georgia and the weather changes throughout the week from cold to warm weather. I understand from an article I read on this site that it thrives best indoors with filtered through a sunny window, but unfortunately, I do not have any windows except for in my bedroom that has a lot of sunlight. The downstairs doesn’t have any windows facing the sun rising, only sun setting and there are a lot of trees producing shade. My question is, despite these issues, is there a way to have a healthy Dracaena plant indoors or outside? And what measures will I have to take? I am planning on repotting the plant as soon as the soil dries out. I will had some styrofoam and broken pieces of rocks to the soil. Would this help? Right now it is sitting in regular potting soil, the type used primarily for flowers and softer plants. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to save this plant and if you need anymore information. Thank you so much!
A good quality commercial potting soil is the best for your plant.
Do not add the styrofoam or rocks that you mention. Make sure the container you choose is just one size larger and that it has a good drainage hole.
Indoors is the best place for your plant until the outdoor temperatures stay above 55 to 60 degrees F.
You can use a simple grow light to add additional light for your plant.
Here are some links with more information.