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Q.How To Help A Stressed Rose

Zone 84104 | Anonymous added on July 23, 2021 | Answered

Hello! I bought a couple rose bushes for my patio earlier this spring. Things were going very well at first until some aphids took over them. I have tried neem oil and ladybugs. I have gotten rid of most on one plant, but the other is not doing as well. The leaves are starting to turn yellow, brown, and fall off. How can I stop this process and get back to growing green again? I water regularly in the morning and have not fertilized since beginning treatment one the aphids about a month ago.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 13, 2021

Feeding can help them get back up to par, and treating with a fungicide will help to clear out any remaining infection from the infestation.

I would cut off any severely infected growth, as well.

Here are some articles that will help:



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