Q.how to grow the best tomatoes?
Have not had one tomato turn yet. I have a lot of green on the plants, but no red.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The weather could very well be the problem. When temps are above 85 F, tomatoes slow ripening. When temps are 95 F or higher, tomatoes can stop ripening all together. Many parts of the country are experiencing high heat, and if you are as well, this could cause the tomatoes to either ripen unevenly or stop ripening all together. It should correct itself when the temps come down. However, if your tomatoes are getting quite large and you are afraid they will either die or you simply cannot wait, then you can ripen them yourself. Here is more info: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/how-to-turn-green-tomatoes-red-how-to-store-tomatoes-in-the-fall.htm