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Rhubarb Plants

Q.How to grow rhubarb

Zone Pittsburg ks | Cargirl added on March 1, 2017 | Answered

I ordered two rhubarb plants from Stark Brothers last spring. I received two pieces that looked like 4″ blocks of wood, no roots, no green, which I planted near my asparagus patch. I covered them with about two inches of dirt tamped it with my foot and watered it just as I would any plant or root. Neither came up. I’m afraid to dig the chunks up in case this year they may sprout. Any ideas?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 2, 2017

It's possible they shipped the roots protected with a soil block.
I personally have never seen this, generally the roots are shipped with no soil and in a dormant state.
The fact that you could not see any roots, there is no way to know if they were planted in the correct position.

Depending on your growing zone, it may be early yet. You could give it some more time.
I would also check your receipts and with the grower that you purchased with.
Did they forget to include planting information?
I went right to the web site of the grower that you purchased from and found the planting information for bare root Rhubarb.
I have listed the link for you.

I would contact their Customer Service department to inquire on any guarantee on plant material.



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