Find a batch of acorns.
To test if they are any good, put them in a glass of water.
If they float, they will not grow.
If they sink, they are viable.
Peirce a small hole in the end of a tin can large enough for a sapling's stem, but not large enough for a squirrel to grab the nut.
During autumn, select an area where there isn't much competition, and that's slightly shaded then dig a hole and plant the acorn.
Fill the hole with the dirt you've taken out, and sink the tin can into the ground over the covered hole to protect it.
Let the nut stratify over winter, and let the tree grow naturally.
If deer and rabbits are a threat you may also protect the young sapling with a wire fence.
The metal from can will rust and decompose over time while the roots grow down and out the open base.

Here is a link to answer your question: http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2542/NREM-5031web.pdf