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Q.How to Grow a Vegetable Garden in Very Sandy Soil

dbabb added on December 30, 2010 | Answered

When is the best time to plant a garden in north Texas, and how is it achieved in very sandy soil?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 30, 2010

As for when to plant vegetables in your area, this guide should help you with that: https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/archives/parsons/earthkind/ekgarden14.html

As for the soil, adding compost is the quickest way to amend the soil, which improves its fertility. This article will help you with that:

You may also want to consider the use of raised beds. I would fill the raised beds with compost or a good mixture (about 50%) of compost or other organic material and your native sandy soil.

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Answered on January 19, 2011

If your going to plant a garden in sandy soil, then it would be wise to add
compost. here are some things needed to help improve the quality of your sandy soil: 1. newspaper, about 3-4 peices
2. compost from the garden like old garden plants, rotton fruit or veggies, ect. (note: don't add to much rotton food, as this will attract nasty bugs to your garden.)
3. mulch: manure or grass clippings will do.( no seed grass)
4. good quality topsoil

mix all this together and your ready to plant!!


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