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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.How To Get Rid Of Dead Tips On The Plant?

Zone London, United Kingdom | jdorosk added on August 21, 2020 | Answered

I have a Japanese maple tree in a pot. I had it for over 1 year now and I keep the plant outside in the balcony on 9th floor (which gets a bit windy). Over a few months the plant leaf tips turned dry and dead-like. I water the plant regularly every week, and cannot decide if its because of overwatering, underwatering, not enough minerals, or the wind affects the tips? Please help.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 21, 2020

You can rule out wind, so that is a start. You can test for all of the other factors, which will help you to figure out what is going on.

Water level should be tested down to about 3 inches into the top of the soil. It should be dry down to that depth, completely, before watering again. A meter may or may not be necessary:


Testing nutrient levels and pH will help you to rule out nutrient deficiencies or overdoses. These articles will help:



Sometimes, overwatering can cause disease. This does not look like the case here, but preventative fungicides, or biofungicides can help:



This article will help you to care for the tree:



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