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Curry Plants

Q.How to get rid of curry leaf plants?

Zone 607803 | deeprocks003 added on June 25, 2018 | Answered

In my garden area I found some curry leaf plants growing by themselves. Even they have a root network spreaded all over the area and every where small plants are growing. These thing are not letting me do seeding and other gardening activity for other plants. I am feddup with this self growing curry plant and want to get rid of it. They have nearly 1or 2 inch thick horizontal roots spreaded all over the garden at depth of 3 to 5 inch.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 25, 2018

If you treat with a herbicide it can kill the tree that these suckers are growing from, a concern if this is your tree!
You can prune them off, near ground level and pour boiling water over the wound. This reduces sucker regrowth without killing the plant. The only drawback is that this should be done every month.

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