Q.How To Fix Too Much Moisture In Soil Around A Small Tree
I planted a Seven Son Flower tree last October. The soil is heavy (clay). I amended an area at 5 ft-6 ft in circumference and installed the tree, which is at 6 ft this year. The leaves are browning around the margins and are slightly yellow compared to last fall. Any suggestions?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/compost-for-organic-gardens.htm
Maybe try a french drain around the tree. About 2-3 ft out from the tree, dig a trench about 10-12 " deep. Then dig a trench leading away from the tree. install perferated tubing and cover with loose gravel, or at least put loose gravel if you choose not to use the drain tubing. Make sure you put at least 6 inches of the gravel. Then cover with soil. That should help the soil drain well. Let us know if this helps. We saved a japanese maple with this method.