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Crinum Lily

Q.How to ensure Crinum Lily blooms?

Zone Zone 8 - SC | farmgirl4560 added on June 24, 2014 | Answered

In spring of 2013, I dug up crinum lily bulbs from a friend who had no blooms due to shade. They are in pots in greenhouse, watered every day, but have never bloomed. I am planting some in the ground and adding more water. Do they like to be crowded or more space? Any other advice to get blooms so that I can finally see what color they are?

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Answered on June 25, 2014

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Answered on June 25, 2014

Here's an article that has the information you're looking for: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/crinum-lily/crinum-lilies.htm

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