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Dianthus Flowers

Q.How to divide Dianthus

Zone 38138 Southeast. Tennessee,Memphis are. | Anonymous added on April 26, 2019 | Answered

I have a mound of Dianthus that needs dividing. Any special tips?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 27, 2019

The best time of year to divide perennial dianthus is in the spring, just as new growth begins and when the plants are fully hydrated.
Dig around your clump of dianthus, going about 6 inches deep with a spade. Cut under the clump and push down on the spade's handle to lift the roots from the soil. For large clumps, you can cut right through the middle as necessary to lift up more manageable sections.
Use a garden fork and your hands to separate the clumps. In general, divide dianthus clumps into four or five sections, each with top growth and roots. Discard sections that do not appear healthy, which are often found in the center of the clump.

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