Q.How To Cut Hydrangea Flowers And Dead Ones.
My hydrangeas are looking really droopy and I want to cut back the dead or dying flowers.
There are several possibilities for wilting hydrangea leaves: temperatures above 85°F; direct sun after 11am; new shrub not being used to being outside; recent root disturbance by transplanting or pests like voles, etc.; insufficient or inconsistent watering (the soil should always be mulched and evenly moist, not wet but not dry either); windy weather/location. To safely deadhead the flowers: (1) cut above the first pair of leaves or (2) cut the string that attaches the bloom to the stem/branch. Note: wilting becomes more common as summer gets closer because the large leaves tend to lose leaf moisture faster than the roots can absorb more soil moisture. The problem goes away at night when they perk up due to better environmental conditions... provided that the soil is being kept always moist.