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Q.How to collect and plant from seed pods??

sunbury added on November 20, 2011 | Answered

I have 4 Beschorneria yuccoides growing in my yard that are flowering and have now got seed pods. How do I collect the seed pods, remove the seeds and how do I plant the seeds?

When is the best time to remove the pods from the tree??

Do i wait for te pod to drop from the tree or remove the pod from the tree and allow them to dry before removing seeds and planting

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 21, 2011

Allow the seed pods to dry out and then harvest. Break open to collect the seeds and plant them in individual 3" pots of compost or cactus soil. Sow them about 1/4 inch deep and keep moist. Germination is often slow and may be erratic. Once they've reached adequte size, you can plant them out in the garden in a similar, well-draining area as those you already have.

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