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Gardenia Plants

Q.How to Care for Gardenia Augusta

Anonymous added on August 23, 2011 | Answered

I live in Indianapolis, IN. I got my gardenia in May. I left it outside on east side of house and when the hot summer heat arrived, it dried out too quickly, so I moved it to the west side of the house and the leaves started turning yellow. I transferred it into a bigger pot with Miracle Grow potting soil and brought it inside and put it in a bright, east facing window. Problem: The leaves are still turning yellow and the one bloom it had just turned brown, as it was about to open, and fell off. I only water it when the soil gets very dry. I used a liquid (mix with water) fertilizer once. I’ve never had a gardenia and I don’t know what to do to for it to keep it healthy and blooming. I hope you can help me.

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