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Container Hibiscus Plants

Q.how to care for a possibly dying braided hibiscus tree

Zone 27013 | Anonymous added on November 29, 2018 | Answered

help i was given a braided hibiscus tree that i repotted into a bigger pot because basically when it was given to me the roots was all tht was in the pot they brought it in with very little dirt and while it did have some leaves and even a few blooms now eveything has fallen off i see it trying to grow tiny little leaves but they usually turn yellow and fall off before i repotted it i tried to seperate the roots a bit what do i do can i get it to live because theres still greeen underneath the bark. please help me its so beautiful what can i do now

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 30, 2018

Several things may be at play here. One is that it may be sulking from being brought inside. Indoor light is not as intense as outdoor; your plant needs awhile to adjust. You've heard of "transplant shock"? It is real. It definitely needed repotting so you did the right thing there. Judging how much water it will need indoors is tricky. Winter brings drier indoor air which can rob plants of moisture. On the other hand, growth slows in winter and the plant needs less water than during active growth periods. I'll assume you used plain potting mix and not garden soil when you transplanted and that you watered it well to remove air pockets. It may take a week or two to recover from transplant shock. Adding the jolt of going from outdoors to indoors may lengthen this period. Don't fertilize it until early spring and then use only half strength fertilizer. I think your tree will recover. If it doesn't perk up, please repost. If you are able to attach a picture, that helps. Here is an article on Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, chinese hibiscus: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/braided-hibiscus-trees.htm

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