Q.How Should I Handle the Fungus on My Weigela Bushes?
I’ve purchased a new home with many neglected flowering shrubs. I’m zealous to get them in better shape. It is fall now. My weigela shrubs seem to have a disease on the old leaves. I don’t know if they will all come off during winter. I want to orune them away now, but I know I’m not supposed to prune till after spring bloom. I also want to a avoid chemicals. What do you suggest?
The following article should help answers about nonchemical fungicides: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm
This article should help with pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/weigela/pruning-weigela.htm
And, since wigelias are decidious, the diseased lookingj leaves could just be ready to fall off. If you think or know it is a disease, spray with neem oil anyway. Gather (rake) the leaves, place them in a plastic bag and put in landfill. Do NOT compost or burn diseased leaves, composting will not kill it and burning will spread it.